Mon – Sat  9am – 5pm

Featured In

(843) 725-9383         

Mon – Sat  9am – 5pm


Come take a walkthrough. We have 3.7 acres full of plants, shrubs, and trees.

Annual: Spring and Summer

Calibrachoa, petunias, coleus, sweet potato vine, verbena, Tropical hibiscus, plus many, many more.

Annual: Winter

Pansies, Violas, snapdragons, ornamental kale and cabbage, and more.


Pentas, echinacea, lantana, salvia, portulaca, setcreasea, rudbeckia, stokesia, perennial hibiscus, day lilies, many more including Southern Living varieties.


Tea olives, abelia, loropetalum, gardenias, roses, beauty berry, camellias, native azaleas, nandina, Many others plus several Southern Living varieties.


Maples, oaks, elms, crape myrtles, redbuds, ornamental cherries and peaches, fruit trees, cypress, river birch, weeping willows, magnolias


Papyrus, rush, juncus, irises

Japanese Maples

Including but definitely not limited to: tamukeyama, emperor one, bloodgood, crimson queen, coral bark, veridis, orangeola, waterfall


Rosemary, lavender, cilantro, several varieties of basil, sage, parsley, thyme, oregano, mint, lemon grass, etc.


Pindos, windmills, sagos, saw palmettos, European fans, sabal minors, Chinese fans.

Indoor Plants

A huge variety: Monstera, indoor palms, pothos, ferns, strings, hoyas, dieffenbachia, aralia, many more.